Welcome to the virtual home of Animas Public Schools, home of the Panthers!
Thank you to everyone in the community for assisting with the creation of our five-year strategic plan. This will be our focus moving forward as we work together to create a school for our community with our community.
This year, students in grades 10-12 in good standing with less than six tardies in a grading period will be permitted to walk off campus for lunch if they have a signed open campus permission slip on file in the office. This is a privilege and will be permitted as long as students carry themselves in a responsible mature manner and stay off private property. Students will not be permitted to bring food back into the high school after lunch, and because they have limited time during the lunch period, they will be able to use the following order forms to preorder during nutrition break at 8:50 am:
PW's Order Form
PW's Menu
Southline Cafe Order Form
Southline Cafe Menu