Contact Us

We welcome parental and family participation in the educational process and encourage you to stop by and visit campus during our office hours. For the safety of our students and faculty, we require all visitors to sign in at the front desk prior to entering the school grounds or classrooms. We do not allow student visitors on our campus.

Office Hours

Monday through Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

We are closed every Friday.

Give Us a Call

Office Phone: (575) 548-2299
Office Fax: (575) 548-2388


Emergency Contact

In case of an emergency/after school hours, please contact Superintendent Jeff Gephart at (575) 313 - 4341.

Visit Us

#1 Panther Boulevard
Animas, NM 88020

Mailing Address:
PO Box 85
Animas, NM 88020

Where to Find Us